Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE my job? :) Seriously, I feel so lucky to get to work with such awesome animals! Here are a few I got to see this week:
Bisch is back! He barely looked ready for a groom! However, he is a ranch dog, so he needed to be shaved down completely because he keeps getting straw and seeds stuck in his fur, and his owner was worried about it getting embedded in the skin. |
Here is the "naked" version of Bisch! He looks like a poodle, but I know he will feel so much better now that things won't be getting stuck in his fur all the time. I did leave his ears and tail long, and used a new conditioner in them. I couldn't get over how soft the conditioner made those ears! I love when I get a new product and it works even better than I had hoped! |
This little guy is Baxter the Pomeranian. I normally don't shave Poms, but his owner likes him shaved for the Summer. He wouldn't hold still for the picture because he was so glad to be done getting shaved! Hopefully he will feel lots cooler this summer with his new hair do! |
This is Penny the Brussels Griffon. Her owner warned me that she tries to bite her groomers, so I was prepared. However, she didn't put up a fuss at all! She let me do everything I needed with her, and was so good for me! Maybe it was her way of letting her owner know she wants to come back to see me. ;) |
Here is Penny after her groom. I didn't shave her at all because her owner wanted to keep her long, but have her face cleaned up a bit. I did what is called hand stripping on her body to give her a more clean and smooth look. She was not happy about the bow in her hair, but I think she looks adorable with it! |
Lyla came back to see me this week. She was ready to get shaved for the Summer! |
Here is the skinnier, but still beautiful, Lyla! I left her head longer than her body because it looked so cute, and I wanted it long enough for the bows in her ears. Her coloring is beautiful, and shaving it made the spots even more defined. She is one gorgeous little girl! A few hours after she went home, her owner called to tell me again how happy she was with how both her dogs looked after I groomed them. What a nice compliment! |
Lyla's "brother" Buddy came with her. His hair hadn't grown out too much since he last saw me, so I just bathed him and cleaned up his face and ears a bit, and trimmed his nails. He hates getting his dew claws trimmed, so this time I did them while he was sitting in the tub. Since he was so concerned about what was going to happen with the bath, he didn't even notice I was clipping his nails! It worked out great! He and Lyla are some of my favorite clients. And lucky me, I get to see them every 6 weeks! |
This is Einstein. He is a Ragdoll Cat. He has the most beautiful big blue eyes! He wasn't crazy about me shaving him, so he wouldn't even look at me when I tried to get a picture. But there was no biting, scratching, or hissing during his grooming, and that's what's important! I left a mane on him, and the last 5 inches or so on his tail. This trim is what is called the "lion cut." I usually do it on long haired cats, but have also done a lion cut on my grandma's Pomeranian. Einstein is one of the most easy-going cats I have groomed. |
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