I recently got to help out at the spay and neuter clinic in Sheridan, and met a couple of sweet little dogs who needed groomed. They came in to the shop to see me this week.
Autumn is a Pomeranian. I don't shave most Pomeranians because they have a double coat, but if they have been shaved before, or need it because of matting, then I will shave them. In this case, Autumn had been shaved before, and her owner likes her in a lion cut for the Summer. She is a little cutie! She wanted to spin circles on the table the whole time, but I finally got her calmed down enough to get shaved. |
Here is Autumn and her brother Bear (a Peek-a-Pom). I couldn't hardly get the 2 to stand still for a picture together! Bear did not want to be getting groomed, so he turned his back to me the whole time and wouldn't hardly look at me. I felt so bad! But when his owner came to get him, he was struttin' his stuff like nobody's business! I'm pretty sure he was just pretending to hate the pampering, but really, he LOVED it! I so enjoyed getting to groom these two cuties! |
Belle the Shichon came back to see me! She is the cutest little girl! We shaved her last time, but this time her owner wanted her to look more like a Bichon. So I just trimmed up her top knot, face, and feet. After her bath, I brushed her while blow drying her so that she looked like a fluffy white powder puff! My daughters kept wanting to pet the "poofy puppy!" She sits so good to get groomed! Love this girl!
Max the Lhasa Apso came in with is brother Itsy the Maltese. This was my first time with these two boys, and I loved getting to see their fun personalities. Max has a cute way of saying "hi" with his paws whenever anyone walks in the door, and little Itsy gets so excited he just dances around the shop the whole time. I am excited to see these two again!
Itsy AFTER |
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